Ref.: WRIT – A No. 45321 of 2008 at Allahabad Vinod Kumar Srivastav Vs. Secretary, Public Works Department and others decided on 24/2/2012

किसी भी प्रकरण में समान दोष पाये जाने के बावजूद मात्र एक ही व्यक्ति के विरूद्ध प्रतिकूल निष्कर्ष अंकित किये जाने के संबंध में WRIT – A No. 45321 of 2008 at Allahabad Vinod Kumar Srivastav Vs. Secretary, Public Works Department and others में निम्‍न व्यवस्था दी गयी है:-

“Disciplinary proceedings-Infliction of punishment of Censor and Stoppageof One increment-Challenge against-Petitioner was working as Assistant Engineer-Charge of use of sub-standard material in public works-No action against other two officers have been taken-No maintenance grant was there for about two years-As the respondents while awarding punishment to petitioner have failed to consider the fact that charges against two other employees were the same but they were not punished, and thus have discriminated against the petitioner. Impugned order quashed.